Most Embarrassing Moments in a Public Restroom

We’ve all heard it told that many people are uncomfortable using public restrooms.  Typically this refers to the fact that they are concerned about germs and disease. 

But public restrooms can also be the source of several embarrassing situations, according to a recent study reported by the publication Metro, published in the U.K.

According to the study, the most embarrassing things that can happen in a public restroom – some of which have probably happened to just about all of us – include the following:

·        Finding there is no toilet paper in the stall, 58 percent

·        Not locking the door or stall door and someone coming in, 26 percent

·        Entering the wrong gender’s restroom by mistake, 23 percent

·        Being physically sick in the restroom, 14 percent

·        Clogging the toilet so it does not flush completely, 10 percent

·        Someone in an adjacent cubicle starting a conversation with you, 9 percent

·        Somehow getting locked in a restroom or stall and having to be rescued, 5 percent

·        Falling asleep in a stall, 4 percent

·        Dropping your phone in the toilet, 4 percent

“For many American men, another embarrassing moment is when they walk into a men’s restroom in Europe and find a female attendant in the restroom,” says Klaus Reichardt, CEO and founder of Waterless Co. Inc., makers of waterless urinals and other restroom products.  “However, this is very common and accepted throughout Europe and many other parts of the world.”